Monday, July 23, 2012

RISE - The Official Review of The Dark Knight Rises

     Okay readers, the moment has finally come.  Please turn off your cell phones, keep hands and feet inside the Batmobile at all times, and refrain from shouting joyous proclamations from the rooftops (there will be time for that later).  Our review of The Dark Knight Rises has arrived!

Note:  You may now begin playing Hans Zimmer's soundtrack in your head.

     Be advised that there may be spoilerish material below; I'll avoid major plot twists, but if you want to go in blind to the story, don't read further.  You've been warned...

     Back on Thursday Zach and I had the privilege of seeing the entire Dark Knight Trilogy back to back to back.  We showed up super duper early to secure good seats, and ended up screwing it up literally one minute before the rest of our family showed up.  It's a long story.  So we did the gentlemanly thing and forfeited our seats, thinking it would be easy to find a good place for two people to sit.  Find a good place we did...front and center in the IMAX theater baby!  It's all about perspective.  Now that my neck isn't too stiff to move, I'm finally ready to write.
     I hadn't seen any of these movies for at least two and a half years, even longer for Batman Begins.  So naturally watching them back to back wasn't a chore at all.  Side note: I'd forgotten how good Batman Begins was.  Wow.  But we've all seen those ones.  You've no doubt come to read about the main event...
     At midnight it started.  For nearly the next three hours, I sat in my front-row seat, fixated on every minute, soaking it all in as my favorite movie trilogy of all time came to a close.  Finally it was over and my first reaction was "that was great but I'm a little disappointed."  Shocking I know!  But don't come storming to my house dressed in Joker paint and carrying pitchforks quite yet, because that disappointment has almost completely gone away over the last few days.
     I'll be direct, I probably like The Dark Knight better than this new one.  I think that's why at first I was a little confused.  But once I started thinking about the movie, something weird happened.  It seriously got better and better.  I'd turn to Zach or my dad and say "Oh remember that time when (something or other happened)?  That was awesome..."  I kept realizing how certain plot points connected, realizing things that my tired, 1 o'clock in the morning brain missed.  The Dark Knight Rises is a deep and emotional, a thrilling, dare I say epic conclusion to the greatest movie trilogy of all time.
     We pick up eight years after The Dark Knight, and Bruce Wayne is not in the best of shape.  He's a broken recluse that hasn't donned the cape and the cowl for eight years, having been forced into retirement by taking the fall for Two-Face's killing spree.  He's then lured back into action due to an imminent threat from the ruthless baddie Bane, the peskiness of Selina Kyle (Catwoman), and some persuasive coaxing by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  Mayhem then ensues, and Bruce has to reach deep inside himself to rise up and confront one last challenge.
     All returning characters are excellent.  This is Christian Bale's best outing as Batman yet, and that's saying a lot since he is by far the best actor to take up the mantle.  Gary Oldman is once again superb as Commissioner Gordon, as well as Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox.  I would have liked to have seen more of Alfred (Michael Caine) but his absence is important to the plot and the scenes that he is in are among the most powerful of the movie.  Newbies are great as well, especially Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle/Catwoman.  Admit it, we were all a little nervous about her.  However, she doesn't ever come across as over the top or ridiculous.  She adds humor and intrigue to the movie, and takes nothing away.  

     I'm sorry for doubting you Anne.  Just don't hurt me.

     Here's the most important point though.  Dark Knight Rises manages to do what so few other trilogies/series can; end well!  The last hour of the movie is definitely the best, and the ending is extremely satisfying. Themes from both of the first two movies return in spectacular fashion to really bring everything to full-circle and give Batman the ending he deserved...or needed...I'm not sure which but just trust me it's awesome.  Just like in every other part of the movies, Christopher Nolan has nailed the finish.  His ending is now the way I picture Bruce's storing wrapping up.
     In conclusion: for goodness sake if you haven't seen it go and do it!  I truly believe that Nolan's Bat-movies are the most quality superhero movies out there, and in all honesty the greatest pop-culture trilogy of all time.  The Dark Knight Rises puts the cherry on top.  So much meaning, so much symbolism, and so much closure.  Delicious.
     And now the final numeric score...drumroll please:
     So in honor of these excellent movies, the new poll shall be to pick which of the three Nolan movies is your favorite.  I want to see more than one vote this time people!  Make your opinion heard!

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