Saturday, July 7, 2012

Et Tu, Ray?

     Last night I was met with some rather devastating news.  This was that Ray Allen, my favorite NBA player (he was even referenced in my last post) was leaving the Celtics and jumping on board with the Miami Heat. My immediate reaction can be summed up in this classic scene from a certain movie we all know;


     A bit of backstory; I am first and foremost a Utah Jazz fan, but growing up in Washington gave me plenty of chances to watch the now deceased Supersonics (may they forever rest in peace).  It was then that I came to know Ray and his silky smooth jumpshot.  When he was traded to the Celtics back in 2008-ish, I thought that was cool and decided I would cheer for him there too.  Then the Cs also brought in Kevin Garnett and the rest is history.
     Since then there have been many moments of screaming RRRAAAAYYYY AAAALLLLEEEENNNN!!! with my brother Slade and cheering on those lovably old Celtics.  But now that's all over.  Mr. Allen has left his teammates of five years to play for their biggest rival, (excluding perhaps only the Lakers) the Miami Heat.
     In the aftermath I have made things twice as painful by reading every article on the internet about the subject.  Just so people don't accuse me of plagiarizing here's a link to one of my favorites:
     Here's my thoughts.  I've dealt with my grief by alternately hating Danny Ainge, the general manager of the Celtics, and Ray himself.
     First lets step into Ray Allen's shoes...

Go on...don't be scared...there you go.

     Ray Allen is the most prolific three-point shooter in NBA history.  He also had a major role in the Celtic's 2008 NBA Title as well as every playoff run afterwards.  Does it make any sense that he has also spent the last two years being shopped around by Danny Ainge, constantly on the verge of being split from his team and shipped to some dead end franchise?  At one point the team informed him that he had been traded to the Memphis Grizzlies, only to call him afterwards and sheepishly admit that the trade had fallen through.  He was also benched this season due to an ankle injury, and didn't immediately get the starting job back, which was irritating for him.  I wish that he would have stayed, but with conditions like this I can hardly blame him for wanting to go somewhere and be appreciated.  I feel that Danny Ainge's management of the team (and not just Ray Allen) has been poor ever since the 2008 title.  Look no further than the Shaquille O'Neal incident for further evidence.  Combine that with his apparent dislike of Rajon Rondo (which I'll admit I had no idea about) and you can see why he wanted out of Boston.  
     However, it still hurts.  Even for me, a band-wagon Celtics fan.  The Celtics were not giving up.  Even at this very moment they're attempting to re-load and take another run at the Heat next year.  They tried to make things up to Allen, offering him a very nice contract and even a no-trade clause, but it was too little too late.  I just wish he would have stuck it out, perhaps even swallowed a little bit of pride and come back for the good of everyone.  But, he's gone, and has probably tarnished his reputation.  Instead of having his number hanging in the rafters with KG and Pierce, he'll likely be viewed with disdain for quite some time.  Hopefully it will heal eventually.
     So now I'll try to be happy and move on, and not dwell on another likable guard who recently sold his soul to an Evil Empire to make a run at a ring.

Don't even get me started Steve...don't even get me started...

I hate basketball.

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