Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Today Is Blogsday

     We here at the blog have been very happy with the way things have gone in our first month of existence.  This however, doesn't mean that there isn't potential for "aggressive expansion."  So, in order to inject some life into this here internet rag, we have declared that today is Blogsday.

This very diverse group of models doesn't realize that Blogsday is a fictional holiday.  Don't let this happen to you.

     And to honor Blogsday, we're going to put a lot of stuff on today, of many diverse subjects, so that you can be entertained here for at least 15 whole minutes.  I myself have pledged two articles, and Zach sort of pledged one, which could very well mean zero but here's for hoping right?
     Brace yourselves friends.  Get the like buttons, comments, and pluses ready, because we're about to show you why we're the best blog on the corner.  You're probably all wondering what a plus is.  Well it's in Google +, and let me tell you it is much better than Facebook.  Go ahead and switch now.
     Stay tuned, and have a happy Blogsday.

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