Wednesday, August 15, 2012


     Well, Blogsday is going swimmingly, so lets cap things off with a quick post on why this week is one of my favorites of the year.  I am of course, referring to Shark Week.
     So here's three quick points about why I love Shark Week, and why you should too.


1.  Sharks are absolutely terrifying, and we're interested in things that scare us.  Or is that just me?  Oh well. But seriously, any sane person has a little anxiety about the ocean and sharks, even though attacks are statistically impossible according to shark-protectors.  All the Shark Week coverage is great because it teaches me more about something I find really scary.

2.  It's hilarious how fast Discovery Channel can switch their tone from "Sharks are beautiful, misunderstood majestic creatures" mode to "OH MY GOSH SHARKS KILL PEOPLE AND ARE EVIL" mode.  It's kind of a conflicted message.

3.  Almost every show is interesting.  I can't tell you how many times I've been sitting on the couch, watching about some horrible shark attack in the Pacific during WWII, only to be lured in by the next hour of programming, more often than not about a giant robot shark or a bunch of adrenaline junkies trying to get really dangerous pictures of blood-thirsty great whites as they leap out of the ocean like cannon-balls.  That was a really long sentence.  But seriously, there is so much interesting stuff on this week.

So everyone be sure to tune in.  It only lasts for this week, so don't miss out on the goodness.  While you're at it, pick up Jaws on Blu-ray.  I'm certainly planning on it.

And also, Happy Blogsday to everyone.

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