Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why I'd Fight a Shark- By Austin Crezee

     Greetings loyal readers!  The results of our poll are officiallly in, and it looks like most people would want to fight the crocodile.  In fact, I was shocked at all that someone even voted for the fight with the great white (rhyme; unintentional).  I thought about writing an open letter to said individual asking them to explain their position, but then I found out it was none other than Austin Crezee, recently returned from his mission to the glorious South.  He has agreed to explain why he would rather fight a great white shark, as opposed to a Nile crocodile.  So this week you barely have to hear from me at all!  Hooray for you!  Feel free to weigh in on who you would take in the comments!

     Upon returning home from my mission I ran across a blog on the internet debating about the dangers of the Great White Shark and the Nile Crocodile. I leaned back in my chair and pondered the question, “Would you rather fight off a great white shark in the ocean, or take your chances with a Nile crocodile in the Nile?” I felt that the answer was an obvious one so I check the shark option and called it a day. It was not until a couple days later when I spoke to Mr. Cole Walker and he expressed surprise at my choice of the shark and asked me to explain my thought process. I guess you could say that is why I am here at this moment, to denounce sharks and exalt the all crocodiles of this world, not just the Nile.
     I have decided to break my argument down into three points for you guys to ponder, so here we go…

1)      Crocodiles are flippin huge!!! They are able to eat full grown men and children alike. Not to mention the fact that they are an amphibious threat. Your dangerous shark cannot follow me onto the beach if by some miracle I was able to fight off the onslaught til I found an island. Crocodiles are huge animals capable of running extreme speeds on land. The shark is also limited to cutting attacks from the mouth, whereas a crocodile is able to use claws in addition to his mouth. But again, until that sharks grows legs, I am not worried about it. 

Look how many people it took to take him down.

2)      Sharks are vulnerable and without bones! This puts them in the same category as the common jellyfish to me. Crocs on the other hand have scaly armor to protect them from us weak humans. But just in case we need more proof, follow my link to Divine Caroline.com where a 60 year old woman fought off a shark in the ocean… Really a grandma? You have got to be kidding me. See for yourself when you type in ”stories of people fighting off sharks“ on Google. You get over 77 million responses and when you type in the same thing for crocs, you only get 8 million in return…. I guess dead crocodile victims struggle to write their stories… http://www.divinecaroline.com/35/93829-grandmother-australia-fights-shark 

The shark just wanted to cuddle, but grandma was too hood

3)      Sharks are just sad and misunderstood animals with no other intention than to be your friend. The crocodile is a stone-cold killer, bred to destroy the human race. We need to realize that the threat of crocodiles is real and that we need not worry about the ocean softy that just wants to cuddle. We as humans make the noble shark mean, they are here to be our friends and we are not their food. 

Fight a croc, lose a hand...

 ...cuddle a shark, make a friend!

     People, let us work together to spread the threat of the dangerous crocodile worldwide and embrace our Great White brothers with open arms. I humbly pray that we can be on the same page one day. This is Austin Crezee reporting.

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