Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We're Still Alive!

Greetings loyal reader(s).  You may have noticed that it has been quite a long time since we've updated the old blog.  This is due to a mixture of laziness, lack of ideas, and an incident involving Zach, a can of hairspray, and a match.

Pictured: Not Zach.

     Okay, so that didn't really happen, we're just lazy.  
     A few updates; our first official poll has now closed.  In a thrilling conclusion, Batman and Spiderman have tied with one vote a piece, leaving the result of their hypothetical fight very much inconclusive.  And I'm going to be honest, I was the one who voted for Batman.  Zach swears he didn't vote, so that means one of you few, o happy few, voted for old webhead.  I'm disappointed that Batman didn't win, but glad that I wasn't the only one to vote in my poll.  That would be even more awkward than the time Zach was singing Adele in the shower and thought no one could hear him.
     Fine that didn't actually happen either.
     So we've been bad bloggers lately, but we promise good things to come very soon.  Tomorrow is officially Batman day, as we're going to be attending the Ultimate Batman Legendary Movie Marathon (not the actual name) so expect our thoughts on the new Dark Knight Rises movie.  Zach's also had an Amazing Spiderman review in the works for weeks now.  I'm also mulling over ideas for a new poll.  I'm hoping to also some of life's great questions with these polls, so everyone be sure to participate.  We're going to solve some controversial issues.
     So stay tuned and by all means add us to your favorites.  Better yet, just go ahead and make us your home page.  That would make things easier for you.

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