Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Serious Post For a Serious Time

     Well I promised to write about The Dark Knight Rises, but after the events that took place in the midnight showing in Aurora, CO, twenty minutes down the road from where we were sitting watching the same movie, I haven't felt a whole lot of urgency.  Like everyone else, I've been shocked by the senselessness of what happened.  It hits close to home because of how close it was, and also just because of the circumstances.  Who expects to be in any danger when going to a movie?  What crime has anyone excited enough to see a Batman movie at midnight committed for someone to gun them down?  The whole thing makes no sense.  I don't know what motivated the shooter, but what he did was completely evil.  I hope the media doesn't give him the attention he was clearly seeking.
     So it's been a strange two days that kind of put a sour note on an otherwise amazing experience for me.  Maybe now is not the time to draw a lesson from Batman, but last night Zach showed me a picture on the interwebs that I thought was appropriate.

     What happened was horrible and tragic, but that doesn't mean we can't rise and be greater.  Let's remember the victims by doing something about it.  Whether it be donating to a fund for the victim's families, giving blood, or just being a little kinder, let's all do our best to rise out of tragedy and find greatness.

1 comment:

  1. I sure love you Cole. I am proud of the person you are. I am so grateful that you weren't in that theatre!
