Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why I'd Fight a Shark- By Austin Crezee

     Greetings loyal readers!  The results of our poll are officiallly in, and it looks like most people would want to fight the crocodile.  In fact, I was shocked at all that someone even voted for the fight with the great white (rhyme; unintentional).  I thought about writing an open letter to said individual asking them to explain their position, but then I found out it was none other than Austin Crezee, recently returned from his mission to the glorious South.  He has agreed to explain why he would rather fight a great white shark, as opposed to a Nile crocodile.  So this week you barely have to hear from me at all!  Hooray for you!  Feel free to weigh in on who you would take in the comments!

     Upon returning home from my mission I ran across a blog on the internet debating about the dangers of the Great White Shark and the Nile Crocodile. I leaned back in my chair and pondered the question, “Would you rather fight off a great white shark in the ocean, or take your chances with a Nile crocodile in the Nile?” I felt that the answer was an obvious one so I check the shark option and called it a day. It was not until a couple days later when I spoke to Mr. Cole Walker and he expressed surprise at my choice of the shark and asked me to explain my thought process. I guess you could say that is why I am here at this moment, to denounce sharks and exalt the all crocodiles of this world, not just the Nile.
     I have decided to break my argument down into three points for you guys to ponder, so here we go…

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 Beatles Songs You Can Try (In Vain) To Find Meaning To

     Ladies and gentlemen, this month is a very important anniversary month.  It was 50 years ago today, that Ringo joined the band to stay.  Okay, it wasn't exactly today, but this is the month where things all got started back in 1962 for the greatest rock and roll band of all time, The Beatles.  John, Paul, and George were already together, but drumming with a fellow named Pete Best.  Long story short, they decided that Pete wasn't cutting it, and fired him to pursue THE GREATEST drummer in Liverpool at that time, Richard Starkey, AKA Ringo Starr.  Ringo joined the band, and a short time later things really took off.  And the rest, as they say, is history.

Glorious, often times strange, history.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


     Well, Blogsday is going swimmingly, so lets cap things off with a quick post on why this week is one of my favorites of the year.  I am of course, referring to Shark Week.
     So here's three quick points about why I love Shark Week, and why you should too.


Two Things That Give Me All Caps RAGE

Hi everyone, I'm just gonna complain about a few things for a few minutes here. Everything will be negative, and almost all of you will be offended at some point. Just a warning.

Going For The Gold Part III

     All right, you've all been waiting for it, the epic conclusion to my Olympic article that due to laziness turned into two, and shall now be concluded in trilogy fashion.  Still with me?  Good.  Let's do it.  Cue John Williams' Olympic theme.
Baaaaaaaaahhh, baaaaaahhhhhh, bah bum bum bam bum!!!

Today Is Blogsday

     We here at the blog have been very happy with the way things have gone in our first month of existence.  This however, doesn't mean that there isn't potential for "aggressive expansion."  So, in order to inject some life into this here internet rag, we have declared that today is Blogsday.

This very diverse group of models doesn't realize that Blogsday is a fictional holiday.  Don't let this happen to you.

     And to honor Blogsday, we're going to put a lot of stuff on today, of many diverse subjects, so that you can be entertained here for at least 15 whole minutes.  I myself have pledged two articles, and Zach sort of pledged one, which could very well mean zero but here's for hoping right?
     Brace yourselves friends.  Get the like buttons, comments, and pluses ready, because we're about to show you why we're the best blog on the corner.  You're probably all wondering what a plus is.  Well it's in Google +, and let me tell you it is much better than Facebook.  Go ahead and switch now.
     Stay tuned, and have a happy Blogsday.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Going For The Gold Part II (because I'm too tired to think of another idea.)

     Well it's been a week since this blog saw a post, and with good reason.  We concluded our trip to lovely and scenic Montpelier, Idaho, and returned home.  Since then, it's been nothing but moving heavy objects and unpacking boxes as we move into our new house.  More importantly Zach and I have been diligently assembling a new base of operations codenamed "The Batcave-Penthouse" or more simply "The New Batcave."  Last but not least I continue my very important job of standing at a kiosk in the mall and telling people how to get to the Apple Store (Rosetta Stone).  But throughout this period of non-stop go, one thing as remained a constant; the London Olympics!  I do have another one of my patented top-five lists in the oven, but for now lets kill time with more of my nonsensical ramblings on the games.

Prince Harry was stoked when he heard I'd be doing another Olympic article...