Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Signs of the Apocalypse: Fast Internet in Provo and a Temple on IGN

     Friends, Romans, and countrymen, it's time to hop in the bomb shelters and get your last minute food storage.  Two interrelated things happened today that have given me ample cause to conclude that that big silly Doomsday clock will need to be moved one minute closer to midnight.

"Yes, I am afraid that we at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have no choice but to conclude that we are all going to die."

     First of all, the horribly slow internet that we here in Provo are forced to endure on a minutely basis could soon be coming to an end.  Google has announced that they are bringing their mystical, mind-numbingly fast Google Fiber to the Provo area.  Now I don't know a lot about computers or the internet, Google keeps on throwing around terms like gigabit, and that just sounds fast to me.  Let me just say that this turn of events is crazy.  First of all, it seems pretty random that little Provo, UT would be the third city in the entire universe to get this.  I know we have a lot of entrepreneurs in the area, but didn't ever think that we'd be so high on the list.  Second of all, this is a miracle because I had grown used to the idea that having slow as molasses, really inconsistent internet was just a part of the BYU experience.  Could this really be changing soon?  Could I really soon be blogging at the speed of one gigabit per second, whatever that means?  It appears the answer is yes.
     The second and more incredible sign of the end of the world is how esteemed video game journalists chose to cover the news.  As I read the article on my phone, I was pretty surprised to see this image pop up front and center.

A Mormon temple in an IGN article?  This had to have been prophesied somewhere...
     This may not seem to be a big deal, but it is to me.  Although I love IGN for their quick delivery of tech news, it's not really somewhere I would go for religious commentary, let alone a picture of one of God's holy temples.  So that was a nice surprise, but unfortunately means that the end is most likely nigh.

We should have believed you, random street corner guy.

1 comment:

  1. Philippines is well known in slow internet but in PLDT i think there's no problem with WIFI broadband in PLDT
