Friday, April 12, 2013

President Obama Cancelled My Beatles Class

     This my friends, is a sad time.  If you've stumbled upon this while looking for a political rant, keep looking.  This is meant to be a eulogy to the greatest class to ever exist at BYU or any institution of higher (or lower) learning in the entire world.   This is to lament the fact that Brother Lawrence Green will no longer be teaching Music 118R, which in the Winter semester is a curriculum of Beatles songs.  Someone else will take the class, but a pure Beatles class is likely to no longer exist.  As I am quite a fan of the Beatles, this news was a little devastating.  I was planning on taking this repeatable class every Winter semester for the rest of my BYU life.  But alas, my dream is crushed.  What was once a beautiful, unbelievable reality has returned to what it once was; a fantasy.

Not even Paul can let it be this time.

     To make a long story short, the Affordable Health Care Act is causing BYU to have to be stricter about part time employees and hours, and Bro. Green's hours are now severely limited.  Therefore I am able to draw the conclusion that it was President Barrack Obama himself who cancelled my favorite BYU class.
     Throughout my life I've been either praised as a talented writer or mocked for my prose and use of bigger than average words.  But alas; my words now fail me.  In order to express the sorrow of my heart during this time, I turn to the internet's most powerful tool; those funny movie picture things.  





     RIP Beatles class, and good luck Brother Green.  You'll both be sorely missed.

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