Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Matt Webb Stacks Things Episode I

     As a preview of the kind of eclectic genius that you will all be privileged to hear from soon, I give you what is hopefully the beginning of a great new web series.  Our friend Matt has many talents, and this video proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.  We actually took this idea to NBC, but they turned us down, citing "a bizarre premise and lack of real ability."  This from the guys who tried putting a show starring a monkey on TV this season.  I know.  Hilarious.  Anyway, without further ado, I give you Stacking Pokémon!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

An Apology to Japan, Anime, and Matt Webb

     I am the average American male.  There are certain images out there that fill my soul with swelling patriotism.  Hot dogs.  Barbecues.  Fireworks.  Burgers.  Eagles.  The Star-Spangled Banner.  And most of all, Ronald Reagan riding the velociraptor of freedom while defending our glorious homeland.

This came from the same text-book as Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, and they both totally happened
     However, this love of country has also instilled in me a sometimes narrow viewpoint of the world.  I'm definitely no Imperialist, but I like what I like and often think that things from other countries are strange.  Especially Asian countries.  And especially Japan.