Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Open Letter to Rex Ryan (From a Die-Hard Bronco Fan and Tim Tebow Apologist)

First of all, yes, I haven't posted anything in a long time.  I really have no excuses to give, so let's just move on the the important matter at hand:

Dear Mr. Rex Ryan

     First of all let me start by commending you for your work ethic and football knowledge.  You have obviously worked very hard to get to where you are, and have actually had reasonable success during your tenure as the coach of the New York Jets.  Unfortunately I have an issue.  Something that needs to be said and is likely on the mind of many other people too.  You may wonder why you are receiving a letter form a Denver Bronco fan, but if you think about it a little harder you'll be able to put together the puzzle pieces and see what this is about; our old friend Timothy Richard Tebow.  

He's praying that he can play for a team that actually wants him, Rex.

     I love Tim Tebow.  Put yourself in a Bronco's fans' shoes.  The team hadn't made the playoffs in many years.  Josh McDaniels had come and gone, driving our beloved franchise into the ground in his awful two years.  And there we were, 1-4, a Kyle Orton led team that was headed absolutely nowhere.  Then this guy that almost no one takes seriously gets the starting job and somehow saves the season.  It wasn't always smooth, but Tebow had a seemingly endless bag of miracles and was inspirational on and off the field.  He even played a remarkably complete game in the playoffs, beating a perennial power in a thrilling overtime game.  This was a big deal for me, because the Broncos hadn't won a playoff game since a dude named Jake Plummer was our quarterback.  Remember him?
     I was sad to see him go, but this was tempered by the fact that we had obtained Peyton Manning.  Can't say I've ever really regretted it.  Initially when the Jets acquired Tebow, I was excited.  Your words fooled me.  Your talk of using him frequently, giving him playing time and and having him as a major offensive weapon seemed great, but turned out to be as empty as a presidential campaign promise.  
     And why?  If Mark Sanchez had played great, this wouldn't even be an issue, but Rex let's be honest, Sanchez has been bad for most of the season.  He should have been pulled a looooooonnggg time ago.  And now you've finally made the move, after a Sanchez stinker so bad that you essentially had no choice but to do it.  But wait what's this?  Greg McElroy will be starting?  At times this season, you have enraged me and disappointed me with your Tebow indecisions, but now you're just confusing me.

Is it because his name sort of sounds like Elway?  That's the only reason I could think of.

     Listen Rex, I have nothing against McElroy.  For all I know he could become the next big thing, but starting him now makes no sense to me.  You've got an extremely popular backup quarterback who has proved that he can win games in the NFL, despite what the critics say.  Yes, he's non-traditional, he's sometimes ugly, but why are you and all the so-called NFL experts so willing to dismiss what he did last season?  Keep in mind it was his second year in the NFL!  You've said yourself that Tebow is now as healthy as he has been all season.  Your year (and most likely your job) is beyond saving, so why on earth wouldn't you put in Tebow?  See what he can do!  If turns out all the haters are right and he blinds people with his horrible throwing mechanics, then talk with your management buddies, get rid of him, and give McElroy a shot next season.  Why was Tebow brought in if he's going to be treated so disrespectfully and not given a fair chance?!  I'm not talking about fake punts or a drive here or there.  Commit to this guy, and give him the chance he deserves.
     Were you against him coming the whole time?  Do you just not have any confidence in him at all?  Or (my personal favorite) are you just still mad about last season when he came from behind and embarrassed your team?  Whatever it is, please be honest with us.  No more lies, no more avoiding the question.  Give Tebow a chance or send him somewhere where he can have one.  The guy deserves to succeed and I honestly believe that he will, so why not enjoy it?

A Die-Hard Denver Bronco Fan and Admitted Tebow Apologist.

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