Tuesday, December 18, 2012

An Open Letter to Rex Ryan (From a Die-Hard Bronco Fan and Tim Tebow Apologist)

First of all, yes, I haven't posted anything in a long time.  I really have no excuses to give, so let's just move on the the important matter at hand:

Dear Mr. Rex Ryan

     First of all let me start by commending you for your work ethic and football knowledge.  You have obviously worked very hard to get to where you are, and have actually had reasonable success during your tenure as the coach of the New York Jets.  Unfortunately I have an issue.  Something that needs to be said and is likely on the mind of many other people too.  You may wonder why you are receiving a letter form a Denver Bronco fan, but if you think about it a little harder you'll be able to put together the puzzle pieces and see what this is about; our old friend Timothy Richard Tebow.  

He's praying that he can play for a team that actually wants him, Rex.