Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Official Elder Zachary James Walker Tribute

     Today my brother, best-friend, blog co-founder, and hero went into the MTC to begin his two year volunteer service for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It's been an emotional day because my family bid him farewell for two years.  We'll be able to contact him by email and letters, and talk to him on the phone twice a year, but other than that we won't see him for a long time.  Despite the hard goodbyes, I'm extremely proud of him and have a firm conviction that he is absolutely doing the right thing.
     Any of you who are reading this probably know my brother already, but for those of you who don't, let me paint a picture for you.  Zach has an ability to be true to himself that I have envied for my entire life.  For as long as I've known him (all his life) he has been able to just be himself, and people love that.  Sometimes his disorganization, spaciness and happy-go-lucky attitude have both frustrated and puzzled me, but it has worked out for him.  During this last year, Zach has really grown spiritually, and as a result has become stronger than I have ever seen him.  I've seen God take qualities in him that I always considered weaknesses, and turned them into strengths that leave me without words.
     It wasn't always that way, and that in and of itself is inspirational.  Zach, like all of us, has had ups and downs and done soul searching, and I would bet that his path to missionary service was more challenging than mine and many others.  When he told me about eight months ago that he wanted to serve a mission, I was happy but couldn't help but wonder if he would flake out after a few weeks.  This worry could not have been more off-base.  Zach put his foot down, and did what he knew he needed to do, even though it was hard.  For this I will always admire him.
     As a result of this, I believe Ogden, Utah is about to get one special missionary.  Someone who can relate to people.  Someone who won't be afraid to show them the man behind the nametag.  Someone who will make a joke when needed, or comfort those who need comfort.  Someone who will be able to convincingly apply the Gospel to people's lives, because he has already done so with his own.
     Usually the oldest child is the one that everyone admires and respects.  I readily throw this blessing (or burden) onto Zach's shoulders.  I look up to him.  He is an incredible brother and an amazing example.  I will miss him dearly over the next two years, but will want to shout for joy each day when I think of what he's doing.  When I say that I consider him my hero, I don't say it lightly.  So when you see his Superman mission picture, don't think he's just being goofy.  Superman himself is about to fly to Ogden.  

Zach's Mission Blog