Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Official Elder Zachary James Walker Tribute

     Today my brother, best-friend, blog co-founder, and hero went into the MTC to begin his two year volunteer service for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It's been an emotional day because my family bid him farewell for two years.  We'll be able to contact him by email and letters, and talk to him on the phone twice a year, but other than that we won't see him for a long time.  Despite the hard goodbyes, I'm extremely proud of him and have a firm conviction that he is absolutely doing the right thing.
     Any of you who are reading this probably know my brother already, but for those of you who don't, let me paint a picture for you.  Zach has an ability to be true to himself that I have envied for my entire life.  For as long as I've known him (all his life) he has been able to just be himself, and people love that.  Sometimes his disorganization, spaciness and happy-go-lucky attitude have both frustrated and puzzled me, but it has worked out for him.  During this last year, Zach has really grown spiritually, and as a result has become stronger than I have ever seen him.  I've seen God take qualities in him that I always considered weaknesses, and turned them into strengths that leave me without words.
     It wasn't always that way, and that in and of itself is inspirational.  Zach, like all of us, has had ups and downs and done soul searching, and I would bet that his path to missionary service was more challenging than mine and many others.  When he told me about eight months ago that he wanted to serve a mission, I was happy but couldn't help but wonder if he would flake out after a few weeks.  This worry could not have been more off-base.  Zach put his foot down, and did what he knew he needed to do, even though it was hard.  For this I will always admire him.
     As a result of this, I believe Ogden, Utah is about to get one special missionary.  Someone who can relate to people.  Someone who won't be afraid to show them the man behind the nametag.  Someone who will make a joke when needed, or comfort those who need comfort.  Someone who will be able to convincingly apply the Gospel to people's lives, because he has already done so with his own.
     Usually the oldest child is the one that everyone admires and respects.  I readily throw this blessing (or burden) onto Zach's shoulders.  I look up to him.  He is an incredible brother and an amazing example.  I will miss him dearly over the next two years, but will want to shout for joy each day when I think of what he's doing.  When I say that I consider him my hero, I don't say it lightly.  So when you see his Superman mission picture, don't think he's just being goofy.  Superman himself is about to fly to Ogden.  

Zach's Mission Blog

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Day I (almost) Retired From Internetting

I don't know how familiar you all are with Reddit, the purported stupidest page on the internet.  It has hideous page design and is run by a bunch of racist, degenerate losers.

Thus Cole edited my post. What I meant to say, as a glorious return to the blogosphere, was...

Hi. My name is Matt. I like to rollerskate.

I wanted to talk about how I posted a picture of my dachshund Otto to the subreddit /r/dachshund and got over 200 likes, how the only creative outlet for such blatant internet fame is blogging, and that post of my adorable dachshund should prompt my return to blogging but...that's pretty much the story. One could safely assume that after such a victory I could retire from Internetting, but sadly...I can't. I can't leave Brother Cole to man the internet by himself. That's too much for one man, even one of Cole's sneaky post editing caliber. So I won't retire. I'll stay, and we'll batten down the hatches for another round of blogging, because that's what Cole and I do. We _________(insert inspiring phrase).

tl dr my dachshund is cute


Monday, January 20, 2014

The Seahawk Phenomenon

     Well, it has been quite a while hasn't it?  To kick off the 2014 revival, I'm going to throw all objectivity out the window and write something a little bit mean, and little bit accusatory.  I've even chosen to write from my blog, where I'm convinced at least 4 people will see it.  Yes, good readers, this won't be a cutesy list or something informative or funny; I'm about to call out a portion of one of the most ravenous NFL fan bases.  The good people of Eastern Washington, who will always hold a special place in my heart, are nothing more than fair-weather, bandwagon Seahawk fans. 

"I just wanted everyone to know, that they are mediocre fans.  Like Michael Crabtree." -Richard Sherman
     Now it may appear that I'm poking an angry hornets nest.  I am.  Maybe I'm just engaging in some pre Super Bowl smacktalk?  Yep, definitely.  Could my inflamed ego and pride as a life-long Broncos fan be a factor in this rant?  I'm going to have to go with yes.  But like the good Richard Sherman, I ask that you not judge me for showing passion in a blog.  He calls out mediocrity, and so shall I.  As he so eloquently stated, it is just a small part of who I am. 
     When I was a lad, growing up in the tumble-weed soaked prairies of Moses Lake, WA, the Seahawks were an absolute non-factor.  Admittedly, they weren't very good at the time, so it would be hard to fault a bunch of kids for not being excited about a crummy team that they've never had good memories with.  That all changed in Super XLI, when Matt Hasselbeck and Shaun Alexander led the Hawks to a Super Bowl appearance.  All of the sudden, my friends and people around me in general hopped right on the bandwagon.  This is also totally fair; it's exciting when the state team reaches a championship for the first time in your life.  Where they all crossed the line, in this author's humble opinion, is when the Hawks lost that game and faded back into mediocrity.  With a magical POOF heard all over the Cascade Valley, the Seahawks lost a bunch of fans.  Like our dear friend  Punxsutawney Phil, they retreated back into their holes for the long winter ahead.
Not Pictured:  fair-weather Seahawk Fans
     Imagine my surprise when over the last few years, all those "Seahawk Fans" and more came rushing back to get on the boat.  Realizing that their team was good again, everyone starting posting on Facebook, professing their love for their team, and acting interested.  Either they all fell asleep for six years, or they are guilty of extreme bandwagoning.
     Part of being a true fan is sticking with a team no matter what.  Allow me to get on my soapbox.  When I was a kid, my beloved Broncos won two Super Bowls.  In the sixteen years since, it's been a different story.  We've ranged from Kyle Orton-awful to good enough to compete but not to win it all, but mostly we've just been mediocre.  There have been plenty of down years and painful losses.  But you know what?  Ask anyone who knows me and they were say without hesitation that I have stuck with them through thick and thin.  And that makes this Super Bowl that much sweeter.  After years of futility, after last years absolutely heart wrenching loss, the Broncos are back in the Super Bowl and I am proud to say that I was on this ride for the last sixteen years, through good and bad.  And now we're back, and I can't wait to see what happens. 
     So to you Eastern Washington fans, I hope you stick this time.  I hope you have a lifetime ahead of you of liking Seahawks memes on Facebook and showing your Washington pride through thick and thin.  That is what it means to be a fan.  Please don't misunderstand.  Seattle obviously has a legendary fan base, deserving of their 12th man moniker.  I'm not claiming that every resident of the east is fair-weather, but you certainly know who you are because I grew up with you.
     Win or lose next Sunday, I will always and forever be a Broncos fan.  Can all of you say the same about your Seahawks?