Monday, March 4, 2013


Salutations on all!

My name is Matt Webb, and I'm the new _____________ here at the blog. I'm from _________,_________, but I might as well be from ___________ or ___________ I've moved around so much. I really like _________ and _________ but absolutely detest ___________ because as a child __________ hit me right in the __________. Man, that was a traumatizing day.

Well, The Great and Powerful Cole (obligatory Wizard of Oz reference) has permitted me to clog his blog with my garbage, and for that I am thankful. We decided that the time was right for the Internet to experience us as a team, so, after sending me a request to join the blog 5 times, I deemed it appropriate to join him in his endeavor to make the Internet a better place. Or I finally took the 2 seconds it takes to click the accept button. It was one of those two, I can't really remember, point being I write things here now.

Here's to a bright and bloggy 2013


P.S. for those of you who don't know me, here's an extremely accurate picture:

I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance.