Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cheetah Hunting

This is a little bit of a departure from what I normally write here. You won't find any lists or witty pop culture references. This is just a short story that I wrote, and ended up feeling pretty good about. It's about a highly fictionalized version of myself doing battle with a completely realistic cheetah. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

5 Hated Movies That Weren't As Bad As People Say

     Wow.  It's been a long time.  Returning to college life and being caught up in that has turned me into a lazy writer.  When Zach "The Model of Inconsistency" Walker posted earlier this week, that really woke me up.  If he can I can!  So rather than continue to ramble, I'll get right to it.
     Movies.  I love them.  You love them.  Even your grumpy old neighbor across the street loves him some old John Wayne movies.  Some are bad, some are good, but there are some that just seem to get picked on an awful lot.  Now granted, many deserve criticism, but others I feel are unjustly slammed.  This is my list of movies that are generally hated by the public that I enjoyed.  I will defend the undefendable, give voice to these poor films that can't speak for themselves, and enrage many of you haters that just love to hate.  These movies are by no means perfect (actually not even close) but don't deserve to be the hate magnets they've become.  (Copy-cat disclaimer: This was not my idea, I saw it on another website and ever since then many others have also done it.  Sometimes I just can't think of good ideas okay.)

5. The Star Wars Prequels

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fight A Shark: The Rebuttal

Friends, Romans, and Countrymen. Lend me your ears, and I'll sing you a song. And unlike some YouTube sensations, I won't sing out of key. You too can get by with a little help from me, your friend, if you heed my words. You may have heard about the raging debate going on the past few weeks. The question was whether or not it is better or not to fight a shark or a crocodile. Hopefully your first instinct is, "No question, keep the shark away from me and bring on the crocodile." Some of you, such as a certain Austin Crezee may think it over and reason with yourself that you'd rather fight a crocodile than a shark. There's even some of you who may think, "You know what, sharks are big wussies. I can take one." To both those camps, I tell you that you are wrong. Let me explain why.